New Year Home Resolutions

lanai with hammock and patio furniture

We make New Year resolutions regarding our finances, health, career, and more. However, resolutions to improve our home living tend to get overlooked. The irony of it is that resolving to make changes within our home can actually assist us in keeping those New Year promises to ourselves.

Conserve Energy.  Adding drought-resistant landscaping comes with a cost but is actually a money saver over time due to less watering and other gardening expenses. Switching to smart and energy-efficient products saves on utility bills. So, if having more disposable income is your goal then this is a smart investment.

Improve Indoor Air Quality. Adding live plants, cleaning air ducts, doing a chimney sweep, replacing carpet for hard flooring, and adding disinfecting air purifier and diffuser plug-ins are some things to consider. Getting rid of air toxins in your home promotes better sleep and breathing which are ancillary to any health resolution.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. Painting your home office is an effective way to stimulate your mind and energy, thus improving work productivity. Choosing low-volatile organic compound (VOC) paint reduces those carbon-containing substances. Color tip: Rather than paint the whole room, try an accent wall leaving the other walls neutral. Blue stimulates the mind while green calms to destress – all good things for career development goals.


Photo by: @jsbco


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